First, He was Mary’s Gift

First, He was Mary's Gift


This is the season when we often hear the awesome song, Mary, Did You Know? I consider it one of the greatest Christmas carols; and it brings tears to my eyes everytime I hear it.

It really got me to thinking about Jesus’ early life.

But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart.

Luke 2:19 New American Standard Bible 1995

Except for the story about Jesus being left behind at the temple when He was twelve, the bible tells us nothing about the years of Jesus life from the time the Magi saw him until his thirtieth year.

But it does tell us twice in Luke 2 how Mary stored these things in her heart.

As a mom, I can definitely relate. You don’t want to forget all the precious memories you had with your child.

I wonder if the fact the bible doesn’t tell us about Jesus’ formative years is because it is a gift for Mary.

Mary’s memories

Only she knows what kind of child He was, and she is not forced to tell the world all about it.

Supposing the Christmas story happened now, in the twenty-first century. You know reporters would have been hounding Mary for the inside scoop!

Instead, Mary stored her memories like treasures of pearls in her heart and took them out one by one and remembered whenever she wanted.

He was fully God, yet fully a baby

Only she knew how it felt to have baby Jesus sleeping on her shoulder with his nose nestled into the fold of her neck and what it felt like to tenderly kiss his chubby little cheek and breathe in his warm milky baby scent.

Was he a toddler who was clingy when strangers dropped in? Did he enjoy hitting a pot with a wooden spoon and singing at the top of his lungs? Could he spend hours examining ladybugs or stacking items to make a tower? Did He bring her the first flower he ever picked and hand it to her with love in his eyes? Only Mary knows.

Jesus was, and is, an older brother

Later when Mary’s brood increased, was He helpful with the baby? Did his little sisters adore Him? Was He the type of child who would wrestle with his brothers and challenge them to footraces? Did He have to win at every game they played?

One feels He was a responsible child, always doing His chores and never having to be reminded to feed the dog or take out the garbage – but if He wasn’t, Mary kept it to herself.

Was Jesus the kind of kid who would run in and out and never shut the door and track mud all over her floors? I wonder if Mary was ever tempted to yell, “Shut the door! What’s wrong with you? Were you born in a barn?”

He grew in favor

We will never know this side of heaven. His first 30 years were lived just for her and their little family. Yes, He was a gift to the world; but first, He was Mary’s gift.

What we do know is this:

… And his mother stored all these things in her heart. Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people.

Luke 2:51b-52 New American Standard Bible 1995

Shared at Grace & Truth, Inspire Me Monday

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