We Need to Hear You Share Your Story

We Need to Hear You Share Your Story


“If you’re not sharing your story, what’s the use of even being alive?”

bro. perry williams

As I do every Monday morning, I came into the office, booted up the computer and went to find the most recent sermon video on Facebook from my church where I work full-time. I do this to find nuggets to share in the newspaper article we publish each week for the Church News section. As I listened to the sermon, I heard pastor expound upon the idea if we are not sharing our story, why were we even here?

He was speaking of the importance of believers sharing Christ. It’s our mandate; it’s our mission; our reason for being.

And many of us are neglecting our duty.

Sharing Jesus

Now, I spend most my days around Christians; and it’s not my nature to preach on street corners, but I can definitely do a better job of testifying what Jesus has done for me.

He shows up for me on the daily; why am I not telling more of His acts of goodness in my life? I tell myself since I’m a bible class teacher, my congregation hears from me all the time. Is that a cop-out? Do I hesitate to let people get all up in my business to hear the latest blessings in my life because exposing the day-to-day feels a little too personal?

Sharing My Words

Not only did Pastor’s words shake me up as a Christian, but also as a writer. I consider giving up so often feeling like my story is not that interesting. But, what if my purpose for even being here is to share the stories of deliverance and encouragement I’ve experienced?

Time’s Up!

My five minutes of writing on the prompt, “story,” is up.

I stop to consider what if. What if the time is almost up for opportunities to share the things I’ve learned from God? Do I want to meet my Maker and say, “Well, even though I felt You’d given me a talent to write about You, since the response was not what I imagined it would be, I gave up.”

Such an excuse might mess up my dream of someday hearing Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

What do you think? If you’re a believer, are you actively sharing your story? If not, why not?

Suppose you have never made a decision for Christ; why you might not even know who He is! If that is true, I invite you to read my post on the Journey, “A Ticket Home.” It’s my hope the words there will resonate with you.

This post was written in response to the prompt, “story,” supplied by the community at Five Minute Friday. Check out all the other stories at the link: here.

Sharing at Grace & Truth, Inspire Me Monday, InstaEncouragements Link-Up, Tell His Story, Recharge Wednesday, Let’s Have Coffee

All photos created in PicMonkey by Jerralea using personal, family and stock photos. Please do not copy. 

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