A Prayer Warrior’s Tools of the Trade

A Prayer Warrior's Tools of the Trade


In 2023, I’m focusing on One Word (actually a 2-Word phrase), “Prayer Warrior.” The One Word group of writers have been challenged to “Be a One Word photo sleuth. Look all around you for objects, people, places, etc. that remind you of your One Word.

This presented a dilemma for me since I felt true prayer warriors would not want to be photographed.

Then I read the challenge again and noticed objects and places would qualify as things reminding me of a prayer warrior.

Where is your prayer place?

For instance, where does a prayer warrior pray? The bible encourages us to pray in the “secret place.”

But you, when you pray, go into your room,
and when you have shut your door,
pray to your Father who is in the secret place; 
and your Father who sees in secret
will reward you openly.

Matthew 6:6 NKJV

Since each person’s secret place might be different, I decided to take photos of a prayer room built at the church where I work full-time. The room was constructed after one of the Pastors felt there needed to be a place where people could go anytime and spend uninterrupted time for a prayer need.

There is a sign outside the door where you can indicate whether the prayer room is in use, or if it is open. If in use, only interrupt in case of extreme emergency!

The great part is Pastor and the Personnel Committee all agreed that if a staff member needed to spend time in the Prayer Room during the work day, they could, no questions asked. (I work with a great bunch of people!)

Write down those promises!

Then I decided to share a picture showing a physical tool I recently started using during my prayer time. (I’ve already covered heavenly tools in my Transformation series.)

Like many of you, my prayer list is long, and seems to be increasing on the daily. I don’t want to lose track of anybody! I also felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to pray scripture over my requests. In fact, I felt I was to come up with at least one scripture – or more – to pray for each situation my person was in.

Seems like a tall order! I’ve been working on it, and truth to tell, I’m only about two-thirds done. 

I had an idea to use my Daily Grace Scripture Memory Journal to put my requests in. (Patsy does NOT know I’m giving her company a plug!) I love this journal because it is portable and has blank pages for me to pick out my own scripture. I was using it to put a scripture on each card and then focusing each day on one of them. But now, I’m using one card per person to pray over scriptures fitting their request. Here are examples with the names blocked out because that is between me and God.

(I typed out the scriptures and old-school taped it in my Memory Journal because my handwriting is atrocious!)

Do you have a favorite tool you use in your prayer time? Please share in the comments, I’d love to know!

Sharing at One Word 2023, Let’s Have Coffee, Recharge Wednesday, Grace at Home, Tune In Thursday, Inspire Me Monday

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