Transformation: Becoming a Prayer Warrior

Transformation: Becoming a Prayer Warrior


The season I’m in feels like a time of preparation, an opportunity to become something more. Perhaps you might feel the same?

I’ve always called myself a Bible enthusiast. I love to dig deep and mine nuggets of wisdom to share. Sometimes, studying and reading become so important to me, I often neglect other important disciplines. I want to rectify my avoidance of an important pillar of my faith – prayer.

Can you relate? Sometimes, I don’t know what to say when I pray. Frequently, I catch myself babbling. It’s hard for me to sit in silence and wait for an answer from Him.

Now, more than ever, connection is vital

I feel 2023 is the year to immerse myself in prayer. We live in a very challenging time. One might even say it’s a spiritually dark period. For the Christian, this is an opportunity to let our lights shine. Not in a preachy way, for people are turned off if you sound as if you are moralizing.

Instead, I want to take the next 28 days to examine truths about spiritual warfare, corporate prayer and praying in agreement. I don’t pretend to know all the answers. I’m going to be thinking with my fingers, so to speak, as I process what is in my heart about these topics after reading the word and praying for discernment.

You might call it a journey to discovering what makes an effective prayer warrior.  I’d be honored if you’d read along.

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.


#Write28Days Challenge

I am making this post a landing page where I’ll be posting links on each post as I participate in Anita Ojeda’s Write28Day Challenge. There will be several authors writing on a variety of topics, so do yourself a favor, and check out her page.

Let me leave you with a question: “What would be wonderful to you, right now?

PREVIOUS POST: First, He Was Mary’s Gift

I’m sharing this article at Inspire Me Monday and Let’s Have Coffee, Recharge Wednesday

Day 1 – Transformation: I’ve Got Wonderful News

Day 2 – Transformation: Living in a Broken World

Day 3 – Transformation: The Most Fascinating Place

Day 4 – Transformation: A Community Who Agrees

Day 5 – Transformation: The Armor of God is for Safety

Day 6 – Transformation: Beliefs Based on Truth

Day 7 – Transformation: From a Life of Ease into Battle

Day 8 – Transformation: Righteousness Can Shock

Day 9 – Transformation: The Enemy Skulks, We Expose

Day 10 – Transformation: Fill Up Crevices with Truth

Day 11 – Transformation: The Power of Jesus’ Name

Day 12 – Transformation: Declining Faith or Rising Faith?

Day 13 – Transformation: Use Faith as Protection

Day 14 – Transformation: A Rare and Precious Sword

Day 15 – Transformation: Beautiful Intercession

Day 16 – Transformation: Praying By Your Lonesome

Day 17 – Transformation: Reflecting on Jesus’ Prayers

Day 18 – Transformation: Forgiving Even Tiny Offenses

Day 19 – Transformation: Prayed Over and Protected

Day 20 – Transformation Changes Viewpoints

Day 21 – Transformation: Glorifying the One We Adore

Day 22 – Transformation: Avoiding Danger

Day 23 – Transformation: Temptations Are Common

Day 24 – Transformation: Savor the Soul Saver

Day 25 – Transformation: A Warrior Has A Problem

Day 26 – Transformation: A Threat to Answered Prayer

Day 27 – Transformation: A Favorite Old Testament Prayer

Day 28 – Transformation: Stewardship of Heavenly Tools