Transformation: Avoiding Danger

Transformation: Avoiding Danger


Although prayer warriors can suit up wearing the Armor of God and be prayed for by intercessors, they themselves also need to be on the alert.

Stay Vigilant

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your family of believers all over the world is going through the same kind of suffering you are.

1 Peter 5:7-9 New Living Translation

We Have An Enemy

The above passage is sort of like a “good news, bad news” scenario. The good news is that God cares about you, and you are not alone in your trials. The bad news is you have a great enemy, the devil. The apostle Peter is warning you the enemy is looking for some way to devour you.

A warrior needs to be prepared and ready at all times for an attack. Earlier in his book, the apostle Peter gives more great advice:

Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 1:13 New American Standard Bible 1995

Prepare Mentally for Action

Remember the helmet of salvation we talked about earlier? This is the time to lock our minds on the truths of our salvation. We remember we are blood-bought children of God covered in the blood of righteousness of our Savior who loved us and gave Himself for us. Peter just told us the enemy prowls about LIKE a roaring lion because he always tries to imitate God. The truth is Jesus is the Lion of Judah and declawed that old cat at the cross.

We dwell on these truths until we are so fixated on victory we growl “AARGH, AARGH, AARGH!!!” any time the enemy attempts to come near us or our brothers and sisters in Christ. (We growl in faith just as Tim Taylor did in “Home Improvement” fashion when anyone messed with his manhood. We don’t need machismo, we got the Holy Spirit!)

Keep Sober in Spirit

When we looked at 1 Peter 5 earlier, did you notice it said, “be alert,” in the translation I chose. But, I like how the KJV translates the original language for alert as sober and vigilant, which means  “watch,” “abstain from wine,” and “keep awake.” In other words, don’t let anything tempt you into taking your attention off the fact you’re in a battle.

Yeah, I know it gets tiring. But we are not Home yet. This life on earth is a battle but it won’t always be that way. Why?

Our Hope is Fixed on Him

The day we see Jesus, the day He is revealed to us, we will truly experience the saving grace we have been trusting in all along. Our trials and struggles we have endured will melt away and we will all be thinking it was worth the cost.

Remember, we avoid danger by preparing mentally, keeping watch, focusing on Him. Never give up, for one day the danger will be past and the celebration will begin!

This is the 22nd day of my Transformation: Becoming an Effective Prayer Warrior series. The goal is to write 28 posts discussing spiritual armor, the prayer of agreement and other prayer strategies.

I don’t pretend to know all the answers. I’m going to be thinking with my fingers, so to speak, as I process what is in my heart about these topics after reading the word and praying for discernment.

You can go here to see each post I will be making on this topic.

Today’s question for your consideration: What is something common every warrior faces?

PREVIOUS POST – Transformation: Glorifying the One We Adore

Sharing at Anita Ojeda’s 2023 Write 28 Days Challenge, Let’s Have Coffee, Recharge Wednesday

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