Ordinary Steps to A Rich and Satisfying Life

Ordinary Steps to A Rich and Satisfying Life


Welcome to Day 2 of my Write 28 Days series, “A Rich and Satisfying Life.”

I’m on a quest to walk in wisdom and to discover my purpose. I can start by doing some simple ordinary steps to free up margin in my life. These are things anyone can do. No special equipment needed.

Ordinary everyday annoyances

Did you ever notice you don’t have to do anything for visual clutter to appear? Just don’t put anything away or limit what comes into your house.

It’s super simple to let a calendar fill up with events you might be sorry you didn’t attend or to be talked into joining an activity you don’t have the bandwidth for participation.

And, you don’t have to work at having noise surround you 24/7. It’s just part and parcel of life in today’s world.

However, these problems are things over which you have control.

You’re the decision maker

As much as I hate to admit it, I’m in charge of how many things invade my personal space. I don’t have to buy something just because it is a good price. I need to only keep things I need and love.

For example, I don’t need Brody’s toy car in my desk drawer. I don’t need old filing tabs taking up valuable real estate. If my system needs to be re-done, I can address it at that time. And, two sets of Apple ear buds, especially when I own a great wireless headset, might need to go elsewhere.

I don’t have to keep every gift I’ve ever been given. If its usefulness to me is over, I can take a picture for remembrance, and let it go.

Quiet the busy

I have the power to say no to events crowding my calendar. If I don’t value my time, no one else will. I have learned if I don’t have a couple of open nights a week, I get cranky.

I can turn off social media and background noises anytime I want. I’m even able to avoid hearing voices of negativity to some degree. If Miss Negative is part of your family, a co-worker or your supervisor, you do still have to deal with it; but you can certainly work on reframing the voice of negativity by replacing the noise with uplifting thoughts.

As Jennie Allen says in her book, “Get Out of Your Head,” “You get to choose your thoughts.”

I’m learning to replace thoughts of negativity with words of scripture. Once I’ve repented over a mistake, why beat myself up over and over? Instead, I’m encouraging myself in the Lord with reminders of His love and care.

What are some ordinary things you can do to make your life more satisfying?

I’m joining a host of writers participating in a Write28Days challenge sponsored by Anita Ojeda. My life being what it is, I’m starting 3 days behind, but writing 28 days does not have to be defined by the month of February. I’m simply promising to write for 28 days. If life interrupts, as it often does, I may have to skip a day here and there. The goal is to write 28 times on my subject, “A Rich and Satisfying Life,” consecutively … or not!

All photos created in PicMonkey by Jerralea using personal, family and stock photos. Please do not copy.

Day One – Longing: A Rich and Satisfying Life

I’ll be sharing this at Grace & Truth