Longing: A Rich and Satisfying Life

Longing: A Rich and Satisfying Life


I have a longing to lead a quiet, productive life filled with margin. Margin has been described as the area between the load you carry and your limits.

Ever hear anyone say, “I don’t have the bandwidth to take that on?” They mean there is no margin left to take on another task.

I want to live a life where there is plenty of margin. If something comes up that speaks to me, I want time to be able to pursue it. Suppose I need or want a material possession to enrich my life, I want room enough in my house to include it. I might come across a need or a ministry that speaks to me, I want funds to be able to contribute.

Wanting will never make it happen.

To achieve my idea of bliss. I don’t want to work harder, I want to work smarter.

The first step to fulfilling my longing

I consider it a God thing when I came across this passage of scripture in my personal bible study:

My child, never drift off course from these two goals for your life:

    to walk in wisdom and to discover your purpose.

    Don’t ever forget how they empower you.

22 For they strengthen you inside and out

    and inspire you to do what’s right;

    you will be energized and refreshed by the healing they bring.

23 They give you living hope to guide you,

    and not one of life’s tests will cause you to stumble.

24 You will sleep like a baby, safe and sound—

    your rest will be sweet and secure.

25 You will not be subject to terror, for it will not terrify you.

    Nor will the disrespectful be able to push you aside,

26 because God is your confidence in times of crisis,

    keeping your heart at rest in every situation.

Proverbs 3:21-26 TPT

Yes! How I long for this! I want to sleep like a baby and have my heart at rest no matter what happens.

Fix my thoughts

My efforts need to focus on walking in wisdom and discovering my purpose. If I will do this, I will be:

  • Empowered
  • Strengthened
  • Inspired
  • Energized
  • Refreshed
  • Guided by a living hope

Who wouldn’t want this?

Join me for the next 27 days as I examine just what this could look like in my everyday life.

(The opposite of a life filled with margin is described very well in this article I found entitled, “Marginless Living.” You might want to check it out.)


I’m joining a host of writers participating in a Write 28 Days Challenge for 2022 sponsored by Anita Ojeda. My life being what it is, I’m starting 3 days behind, but writing 28 days does not have to be defined by the month of February. I’m simply promising to write for 28 days. If life interrupts, as it often does, I may have to skip a day here and there. The goal is to write 28 times on my subject, “A Rich and Satisfying Life,” consecutively … or not!

Day Two – Ordinary Steps to a Rich and Satisfying Life

Day Three – A Whole Raft of Clutter Does Not Enrich Your Life

Day Four – Nesting to Prepare for a Rich and Satisfying Life

Day Five – I’m a Sheep in Search of a Shepherd

Day Six – Keeping Your Focus in the Midst of Ease

Day Seven – Living Worthy for a Rich and Satisfying Life

Day Eight – A Rich and Satisfying Life after Devastation

Day Nine – Elegance: The Art of Learning Less is More

Day Ten – Being Imperturbable in a Time of Anxiety

Day Eleven – Leave the Past Behind and Let It Go

Day Twelve – A Satisfying Life Involves Sharing and Caring

Day Thirteen – Do Tattered Dreams Need to Die or Be Reborn?

Day Fourteen – Focusing on Just the Facts, Ma’am

Day Fifteen – The Enemy Entraps; Jesus Rescues

Day Sixteen – I’m on a Mission to Hear God’s Voice

Day Seventeen – Celebrating the Fact God Made Us Unique

Day Eighteen – Keep Only What is Useful and Beautiful

Day Nineteen – Surviving by Sitting at the Feet of Jesus

Day Twenty – Decide Now What is Most Dear to You

Day Twenty-One – Making Life Easier: Adapting and Rethinking

Day Twenty-Two – It is Dangerous to Get Complacent

Day Twenty-Three – Environment Matters More Than You Think

Day Twenty-Four – Transformation: Changing Your Ways

Day Twenty-Five – You Were Created for Something Good

Day Twenty – Six – Negative Thoughts Should Be Taboo

Day Twenty-Seven – Lord, I’m Tired of Doing This, I Can’t Go On

Day Twenty-Eight – A Recap of a Rich and Satisfying Life

I’m linking this post to the communities of the following link-ups: Write 28 Days Challenge for 2022, Tune In Thursday, Let’s Have Coffee, Grace & Truth, Grace at Home

All photos created in PicMonkey by Jerralea using personal, family and stock photos. Please do not copy.

Previous Post: Lock In the Lesson; Remove the Regrets

10 thoughts on “Longing: A Rich and Satisfying Life

  1. Pingback: Jerralea
  2. I’ve never seen that verse in that version before–but I love it! I tink for some of us we struggle because we don’t realize we have different purposes in different seasons. I’m working to discover my purpose in this season of my life, and your post really encouraged me!

    1. Anita, I do believe you’re right about different purposes for different seasons, and I think it sometimes takes us awhile to realize the season has changed.

      I love the Passion Translation!

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