Decide Now What is Dear to You

Decide Now What is Dear to You


I come from indecisive people. My mother’s side of the family has a lot of trouble making decisions; and she passed that trait on to me and my sister in varying degrees.

Afraid to choose

My mother would spend the summers with me when my children were little. It became a ritual for her and her sister and I to go “yard saling” on Fridays. We would spend the morning talking, laughing and trading stories along with glancing at the wares people had for sale set out on their lawns or in their garages. But when it came time for lunch, we would run into a problem. No one wanted to decide where to go. At first, the lunch decision was palmed off on me because I was the driver; but I soon rebelled.

Here is how we solved the problem: we would write out the names of various restaurants on slips of paper. The papers would be folded up and put in a cup; then we took turns each week drawing out the paper that would tell us which restaurant to visit.

Of course, then it became a problem to decide WHAT to write on those slips of paper. I am not kidding!

Pray, Consult the Word, Seek Godly Counsel

First, I believe every endeavor must be bathed in prayer. I’ve been told I can over-spiritualize sometimes; but I personally believe we should pray about everything. God is concerned with the details of life as well as the big picture.  (We are told in scripture He knows the numbers of hair on our heads. You can’t get more detailed than that!)

Other times, when reading the Word, the answer will jump right out its pages. Although the Bible might not mention specific things we deal with in today’s world, the principles of right living is found in its pages.

If we are still not sure, it is wise to consult godly counsel. Sometimes the truth is plain to everyone else; but we are too close to the situation to see it.

Decision advice is needed

Since I am no decision expert, I listen to those who are, namely Kendra Adachi, also known as the Lazy Genius, and Emily P. Freeman, author of The Next Right Thing. The idea of deciding once for all time appeals to me. It might be excruciating until the decision is made, but then I don’t have to do it anymore.

How does this tie in with my theme of a Rich and Satisfying Life? Fears about deciding things are clutter to the soul. I want to be free of that, along with its companion, regrets about decisions made.

Narrowing the focus

As a believer, it’s my belief it is wise to make decisions reflecting my calling. All believers are called to represent Christ to a lost and dying world, so our decisions must be made in a way we do not violate that sacred trust. Considering that fact, many decisions can be made immediately. Just ask yourself, “Would I be an ambassador of Christ if I accepted that job or went to that event?” “Would participating in that invitation draw me closer to Jesus or farther away?”

For me, I must also consider I’m a wife, mother and MiMi. Would my decisions help or harm any of those callings in my life?

Also, I’m a Bible Study teacher. Decisions made must also ask the question, “would it help or harm my standing as a teacher?”

Narrowing the focus even further, I feel I am called to encourage others. Would my decision encourage anyone observing my life or would it harm them?

What is most dear to me? What will it cost me in terms of money, time and energy? Sometimes good things must be turned down to be able to do the best things.

Make a decision

Once I’ve narrowed down the options by taking into consideration all these things, it’s time to decide.

I take a leap of faith and decide. And once I decide. I don’t allow myself to dwell on it any longer. What’s done is done. Stewing about it won’t change anything.

It brings me comfort to know if I do make the wrong choice, my God is big enough to get me back on the right path.

In the final analysis, the important thing is your heart

If your heart is where it needs to be, everything else will line up.

And how do I get my heart where it needs to be? Sitting at the feet of Jesus!

Hey! I’m on a journey. I don’t pretend I’m doing all this perfectly. I’m sharing the goals and dreams I have in my heart in this series, “A Rich and Satisfying Life.”  This is my twentieth post of examining a life free from the clutter of both wrong thoughts, attitudes, expectations, and too-full calendars, as well as physical clutter. You can click here to see all the links to the series.

This series is part of a Write28Days challenge sponsored by Anita Ojeda. The challenge is now over, but I am still working at the goal of writing 28 times on my subject.

All photos created in PicMonkey by Jerralea using personal, family and stock photos. Please do not copy.

I’m linking this post to the community at Grace & Truth, Inspire Me Monday, InstaEncouragements Link-Up, Tell His Story, Let’s Have Coffee, Recharge Wednesday, Grace at Home

Previous Post: Surviving by Sitting at the Feet of Jesus